5 years ago, I started with one of my very first online clients.
It was an outdoor gear company called Climashield. And they hired me for $500/mo off of Upwork to be their social media manager.
My job was to make 4 posts per week on Instagram & Facebook and spend $60 per month on 'page like' ads (big budget, I know).
The weird thing was we couldn't really sell anything because the company was B2B. They only sold their gear to retailers like Eddie Bauer & Arc'teryx.
So it was all 'branding'.
At the time, I wasn't really an 'outdoorsy' person. I couldn't picture myself being like the long-hair dudes in plaid shirts from Oregon who ride around in vans & visit all the National Parks.
But that's who my audience was.
So I spent most of my time searching the internet for cool nature pics to post.
And it opened my mind to a whooooole 'nother world... National Parks became very addictive to me.
My favorites being Bryce Canyon & Zion.
I remember posting 1 photo of Zion where you could see alllllll the way down the canyon with a river running down the middle. It was like a dream.
And don't get me started on Bryce Canyon... I saw photos of these pointy-looking rocks that stuck way up into the air. They're called hoodoos, and it's a crazy rock formation caused by years & years of freezing snow & rain.
But Utah was SO far away... I was living in a shack in Ohio making $2-4k/mo in 2017.
Travel wasn't really an option.
I was 21 & just happy to have some sort of online job, in the hopes of not getting a "real job" after graduation like my parents told me to.
In the hopes of ONE DAY being able to visit those places.
When you're in that moment, it seems like a pipe dream.
But day by day...
I eventually quit doing all the odd online jobs I was doing because they were going nowhere... (including social media management)
I started seeking out higher quality clients who allowed me to do more than just post on social media...
I jumped into Facebook Ads, landing page optimization, & eventually email... Unafraid to make mistakes.
Whenever my clients had needs or didn't know how to do something... I dove into to teach myself a new skill.
And eventually I started managing email lists all on my own. Because that seemed like the most lucrative skill of all the things I tried. Then in 2020, things blew up because I did good work & surrounded myself with amazing people.
I've travelled a LOT since then...
But I'd never had a need to go to Utah.
Well, not too long ago, with 100 Million Mastermind being in Salt Lake City...
I was FINALLY was able to go to Zion National Park & see the river running down the GORGEOUS canyon:

And see the hoodoos with my own eyes at Bryce Canyon:

And best of all, got to do it all with Julia:

It's literally a dream come true.
Like I said, it doesn't seem possible in the moment when you first realize you want something.
But if you work at it hard enough & smart enough...
It's VERY possible for you. And often in less time than you think.
You might not think it's possible right now. But it IS.
And I'd love to help you accomplish whichever dream you've got in the back of your head right now...
Whether by sharing stories, tips and strategies through my emails and social media, or if you end up going farther with our trainings and/or services at Email Paramedic...
I believe in YOU, and I've got your back!
Talk soon, Troy